Mental Gymnastics Conquer the Block
So, I don't know how it is for other writers out there, but when i'm working on a story, I become so focused on the process of creating,...

Wordy Wordcount
Words are the literal bread and butter of a successful author. I mean, it goes without saying that without words there is no work . As...

Publishing 101
As mentioned in a previous post, during the process of organizing myself better, I ran across some items I no longer wish to retain in a...

Organizational Gruntwork
I've been making some shifts in my life in order to give myself more time to focus on what I really want to do (ie. write and be...

"I travel alone. It's best that way."
These words, uttered by the tenth Doctor (my favorite!) in Doctor Who, have resonated with me for years. Though I’ve done some traveling...

Post Script
So unfortunately I've been experiencing massive technical difficulties. My laptop basically crashed and I haven't been able to replace...

A Long-awaited Announcement
So I opened my email today and there it was, at last! The final placements for the 2018 Ink & Insights contest have been released! I've...

Wattpad--Wish I Found This Years Ago!
Sometimes our kids prove that they're smarter than us. With the tidal flood of information and resources out there I tend to overlook...

"Kill Your Darlings"
Out of context this seems an odd statement but from an editorial perspective it’s straight to the point. Twice now I’ve seen this advice...

"Butter Scraped Over Too Much Bread"
I’ve yet to hear a term more apt for describing the feeling of being stretched too thin than what Bilbo Baggins says to Gandalf the Grey...