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Ready, Aim, Fire!

Every agent and editor will have different preferences for what material they wish to see outright.

Some may ask for only a query letter to start. Others may ask for a little more.  I've compiled for your reference some guidelines for different types of submission materials you may get asked for. In this day and age, you will likely be asked to send materials electronically. If you are requested to provide materials via snail mail and wish to have them returned to you, always include a SASE. Either way, pay attention to what's requested and don't send anything outside of your contact's specific guidelines.

Aside from a query letter, requested materials could include a synopsis, sample chapters or *gasp* your full manuscript. Tailoring your submissions to the parameters set by the agent or publishing house you've contacted will help mark your professionalism, and how punctually you deliver them will also leave a lasting impression. Whatever they ask you for, get it out promptly!

A few additional tips:

1) If a full manuscript is requested after you've sent your query, it's a good idea to send a cover letter with it to remind that it is being sent by request.

2) You may continue sending proposals and queries, even if someone requested your manuscript and you're awaiting a response. If the agency/publisher decides to proceed, you can politely follow up with anyone else you may have queried to let them know. The only time this would not be appropriate is when it's indicated that a company only deals with exclusive submissions.

3) If an agent or editor gives you feedback, be sure to thank them, because by all means, they are busy people and do NOT have to!

4) Proper formatting is highly encouraged. Nobody wants to try reading something with an illegible font or strange margins. You want your materials to be pleasing to the eye and easy to read. The format may vary depending on what's requested. If you need a guide to properly formatting different materials, use the link below!

Additional Materials & Formatting

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