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Glossary of Terms

There is so much to learn about the publishing world when you're first starting out.

As I researched, I found information that I never even considered beforehand. Only after reading extensively were certain aspects of this business brought to my attention. I've compiled here a glossary of terms that are good to know, as well as other useful tidbits.

Backlist-A publisher's list of books that were not published during the current season, but are still in print.

Bio- (Biography) A sentence or brief paragraph about the writer; may include education and work experience.

Boilerplate- A standardized contract.

Bound Galleys- Prepublication edition of a book, usually photocopies of final galley proofs. Also known as bound proofs.

Byline- Name of author appearing with published piece. (If you use a penname, this would be your byline instead of your birth name.)

Category Fiction- Term used to include all types of fiction.

Chapbook- Small booklet of poetry, ballads or tales.

Clips- Samples, usually from magazines or newspapers of a writer's published work.

Coffee Table Book- Heavily illustrated, oversized book.

Commercial Novels- Novels designed to appeal to a broad audience. Often broken down into subcategories such as western, romance, mystery, etcetera.

Contributor's Copies- Copies of a magazine issue sent to author in which the author's work appears.

Co-Publishing- (Cooperative) Where author and publisher share publication costs and profits of a book.

Copyediting- Editing a manuscript for grammar, punctuation, printing style and factual accuracy (if applicable).

CV- (Curriculum Vita) Brief listing of qualifications and career accomplishments.

Electronic Rights- Secondary or subsidiary rights dealing with electronic/multimedia formats such as internet publication and audiobooks.

Fair Use- Provision of copyright law that says short passages from copyrighted material may be used without infringing on the owner's rights.

Frontlist- A publisher's list of books which are new to the current season.

Galleys- First typeset version of manuscript that has not yet been divided into pages.

Genre- The general classification of writing, which can be further divided into subgenres.

Hi-Lo- Type of fiction that offers high level of interest for readers at a low reading level.

High Concept- A story idea easily expressed in a quick, one-line description.

Honorarium- A token payment.

Hook- Aspect of work that sets it apart from others and draws in the reader.

Imprint- Name applied to a publisher's specific line of books.

Kill Fee- Fee for a complete article that was assigned then cancelled.

Lead Time- Time between the acquisition of a manuscript by an editor and its actual publication.

Literary Fiction- General category of serious, non-formulaic intelligent fiction.

Mainstream Fiction- Fiction that transcends popular novel categories such as mystery, romance and science fiction.

Manuscript- The type-written version of your work, submitted to agents and publishers to sell as a bound book.

Marketing Fee- Fee charged by some agents to cover marketing expenses. May be used to cover postage, phone calls, faxes, copying or any other expense incurred during marketing of a manuscript.

Mass Market- Non-specialized books of wide appeal directed toward a large audience.

MG- (Middle Grade) Books written for readers between ages 9-11

Midlist- Titles on a publisher's list that are not expected to be big sellers, but are expected to have limited/modest sales.

Multiple Contract- Book contract with an agreement for a future book or books.

NA- (New Adult) Books written for readers between 18-25

Net Royalty- Royalty payment based on the amount of money a publisher receives on the sale of a book after booksellers' discounts, special sales discounts and returns.

Novella- Short novel or long short story (approx. 7000-15000 words)

One-Time Rights- Rights allowing a manuscript to be published one time. The work can be sold again by the writer without violating the contract.

Option Clause- Contract clause giving a publisher the right to publish an author's next book.

Payment on Acceptance- Editor sends author a check for an article, story or poem as soon as he decides to publish it.

Payment on Publication- Editor doesn't send author a check until material is actually published.

Platform- A writer's speaking experience, interview skills, website and other abilities which help form a following of potential buyers for their work.

POD- (Print on Demand) Individual, or small numbers of a text are printed to order.

Proofreading- Close reading and correction of manuscript typos.

Remainders- Copies of a book that are slow to sell and can be purchased from the publisher at a reduced price.

Reprint Rights- Rights to republish a book after its initial printing.

Royalties- Amounts paid to author for sale of books. Typical rates for hardcovers are 10% of the retail price on the first 5000 copies sold, 12% on the next 5000 copies and 15% thereafter. Paperback royalties for mass market are 4-8% of the retail price on the first 150000 copies sold and for trade paperbacks typical rates are 6% of the list price on the first 20000 copies then 7.5% thereafter.

Serial- Published periodically such as newspaper or magazine issues.

Serial Fiction- Fiction published in a magazine in installments, often broken off at a suspenseful spot.

Short Short- Complete short story of 1500 words.

Subagent- Agent handling certain subsidiary rights working in conjunction with the agent who handled the book rights. Agent's commission percentage increases to pay a subagent.

Subsidiary Rights -All rights other than book publishing rights included in a publishing contract such as paperback rights, book club rights and movie rights. It is the agent's job to negotiate rights and advise the author on which to sell and which to keep.

Subsidiary Publisher- A publisher who charges the author for the cost of printing a book, as opposed to a royalty publisher who pays the author.

Synopsis- A brief summary of a story, novel or play. As part of a book proposal, it is a comprehensive summary condensed into a page or page and a half, single-spaced.

Tearsheet -Page from a magazine or newspaper containing your printed story, article, poem or advertisement.

TOC- Table of Contents

Trade Book- Hard or soft cover, subject matter frequently concerns special interest for a general audience; sold mainly in bookstores.

Trade Paperback- Soft bound volume published and designed for general public. Available mainly in bookstores.

Translation Rights- When rights to a work are sold to a foreign agent or publisher.

YA- (Young Adult) Books written for readers between ages 12-18



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