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Sailing Along

Sailing Along

     The Covid-19 pandemic put a hiatus on my mischief. I spent a good portion of my time simply going to work and returning home. Very wash, rinse, repeat kind of lifestyle. A welcome break to that routine was provided by my boyfriend. He LOVES fishing and is pretty darn good at it, if I do say so myself!


     He acquired a kayak to expand his fishing territory and I used to sit on the dock, watching him paddle out and wishing the camera on my phone had a better zoom function whenever he caught a nice one. A string of events brought him into possession of a secondary kayak and he invited me to accompany him onto the water. Now I go with him every chance I get!


     By good fortune, we only live about five minutes from a lake and it's pretty easy to maintain proper social distancing when you're floating in the middle of a large body of water. Sometimes we pack sandwiches and drinks in a small cooler and have lunch out there. On particularly hot days we wear our bathing suits and jump right out of our boats into the water. On many occasions we'd leave shortly after work and be out until dark.


     We've trekked to various bodies of water together, not by any stretch confining ourselves to just one lake. It's enjoyable to explore what's out there beyond your natural field of vision and to encounter the local wildlife. It has also become my favorite place to read a good book. There isn't an environment more relaxing than bobbing on gentle waves in the sunshine of a summer day!


     An accident resulting in a broken arm (his ,not mine, and also not kayak-related) and the heavy amounts of rain we've had kept us off the water  much of this summer unfortunately but we still get out as much as we can. If you look closely in the picture you can see his kayak in the "distance" ahead of me. See what I mean about that camera quality? It looks as though we're MUCH further apart than we actually are!

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