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Higher Learning

Higher Learning

     I went to Nighthawk’s in Troy, NY unsure of what to expect but "Divination Brunch" was the advertisement that brought me there. Sipping an a.m. mimosa at the bar and enjoying the atmosphere of the bistro as I awaited my turn, I pondered the stereotypes people tend to associate with "divination." Hokey mediums, palm readers, fortune-tellers—the list is endless and while I firmly believe there are some who  possess a genuine second sight, the antics of the false have stigmatized the concept  with a lot of negative connotations.


     What drew me to this session with Ragliacci however was the honest openness he used in describing this service. It wasn’t about conjuring of spirits or invocation of deviltry like some might think. This was about having a conversation with one’s higher self. Sort of like a guided tour of your subconscious and the forces and energies which are effecting your life.


     When my time came I sat at a little table tucked into a private corner, undecided whether consulting the tarot or using runes would be better suited to me. The latter is more direct, the former more narrative from what I understand. While the choice may seem a foregone conclusion to some—I’m a writer, why wouldn’t I take the more narrative form? However I sometimes lack perception and overlook what should be obvious so I questioned whether the more direct path would be more beneficial. In the end he decided to use both.


     Instructed to shuffle the cards until I felt it was right I did so, then placed the deck back on the table for him to draw the top three cards. I then shook the bag of runes with a similar intent as shuffling the cards and pulled out three.


The Devil. The Queen of Pentacles. The Two of Pentacles.

Gabo. Ehwez. Jera.


     Those were my cards and runes. The Devil immediately drew an inadvertent giggle from my lips, not because of any negative associations one might at first glance perceive but more as a private joke. It was incredibly relevant to circumstances in my life I’d come to question. Drawing that particular card first seemed beyond coincidence.


     I won’t go into detail about private affairs. What was said is for me alone but I will divulge that what followed was a profound journey which led to answers I desperately needed. I gained a fresh perspective and new insight into situations that have been plaguing my soul and left with a sense of confidence that perhaps I shouldn’t question my own intuition. The amazing thing is I was never asked why I was there or what questions I had. The reading was blind in that regard. He isn’t there to tell you what you want to hear. The idea is to help guide you to that which you need to know and to this end his methods are both effective and helpful.  


     The bottom line is if you have questions, doubts or unresolved feelings that you’re having difficulty sorting through, even if you’re a skeptic, I encourage you to book a session with Ragliacci at the next brunch. It was a powerfully beneficial experience for me, one I highly recommend to any who seek a higher truth and enlightenment.


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