The Lurking Place of E. Rochelle Potter
Louise Fitzhugh
Louise Fitzhugh was born in Memphis, Tennessee, and remained an only child. She was raised by her father after he gained custody during his divorce to her mother shortly after birth, and was actually told her birthmother (who had moved to Hollywood) was dead (though she discovered the truth later in life.) She began writing at the age of eleven, and transferred between several universities to study child psychology and literature, but ultimately left the last in the series, Bard College six months before graduating. Her first children''s book, Suzuki Beane was published in 1961.
My introduction to her work was with what became her most famous and successful, Harriet the Spy. When I stumbled across the book for the first time in fifth grade at my school library, I was so inspired that I chose to emulate Harriet, keeping my own "Private" notebook and even creating my own spy route during my youth. The book was adapted multiple times including to a full-length feature film by Nickelodeon (which I also adored.)
Louise tragically passed away from a brain aneurism at the age of 46 and was interred by her request north of the Mason-Dixon line in Bridgewater, Connecticut. More of her work can be found at https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/authors/8803/louise-fitzhugh/

October 5, 1928 - November 19, 1974